1 May 2009

She Had It All Figured Out.. But She Left Me With A Broken Heart..

Lil Wayne - Prom Queen 
Am I the only person who likes this song, I've had to argue with A LOT of people for LONG time over this... OK autotune's getting a bit boring now.. and Lil Wayne's is meant to be a rapper not singer... but forget who it is for a second... It's actually a decent song... Well that's what I think anyways... I like the the vid concept too..

lots of 5683 to anyone who likes the song too hehe...


  1. Its A Banger, Weezy's Rebirth Album is mostly Rock Influenced as he said on a recent interview so the haters can fall back lol !

  2. I can't wait to hear it...
    OOooo... I'm soo glad someone is with me..
